
Overland Park chiropractors have a super unique way of approaching health disorders. They operate on a drug- free principle taking the body as an independent system. The chiropractor services are a perfect fit for ailment conditions on various body parts such as: joint pains, pain on soft muscles and so on. Chiropractor therapists apply the use of natural agents such as cold breeze, heat, light and so on. This ensures prevention of cancerous cases that mostly result from continued use of chemical drugs.

Let us look at some of the modalities that chiropractors use in treatment for diseases:

1)      Passive physiotherapy modality

This is a way of treatment where the chiropractor presses cold blocks on the paining body part. This is alternated with applying heat on the same part. A piece of cotton cloth dipped in water may be used. Alternatively, rubber tubing that contains hot water may be placed on the affected part. The ice blocks make your body part numb for some time, say 10-15 minutes. After that, the pain automatically vanishes. This treatment modality is mostly applied on the back to relieve back pain.

2)      Body exercise modality

A good number of back aches result from failure to involve your body in exercises. This makes your joints stiff and less flexible. In treatment of this, the chiropractor therapist may have to schedule an exercise program for you. Although most of them may be simple exercises, they have a magical treatment effect on your body. Some of the activities that may be involved in your exercise program include: strengthening of muscles exercises, stretching of joints and so on.

3)      Modality of body massage

Most of the chiropractors will suggest a massage exercise for your aching joints. This will enhance a smooth blood flow, eliminate the blood clot in the joints and muscles, and reduce inflammation and so on. The massage therapy will be of great help in facilitating quick recovery of the aching parts whether joints, muscles.

4)      Modality of offering nutritional advice

Most diseases are due to malnutrition cases. Poor, imbalanced diet makes your immune system too weak to resist disease attacks. In an attempt to prevent this, chiropractors give patients a diet schedule which will boost their immune system. These healthy feeding techniques that are recommended for patients have proven to work effectively.

5)      Modality of diagnosis

Not all times a chiropractor will be sure about the cause of pain on a patient. At such , they will have to conduct an x-ray procedure to help them know the ideal approach to give to a certain condition. Thermal cameras are used to carry out the diagnosis as they are quite accurate.


Whether you are suffering from a mild or severe joint and muscle pain, it is advisable to seek chiropractic services. Doctors say that any therapy is most effective if a condition is treated early enough.